The Starry Vault of Heaven
“My evenings are taken up very largely with astrology. I make horoscopic calculations in order to find a clue to the core of psychological truth.”
Aquarius Sun, Sagittarius Rising, and Leo Moon (born on a full moon the day the Challenger Shuttle exploded!)
A significant amount of my work with clients is in being their mirror.
As a woman who studies the unseen, from a lineage of medicine men/women, it has become my joy to translate your chart. I embody my role as messenger in reminding you who you are, what you’re here to do, and that there is and has always been a divine force guiding your soul to its fulfillment. I am but one step along your path to assist in illumination.
Astrology is a sacred and ancient system which helps us to understand beyond the physical realities and into the wisdom of our souls.
In a world and time in which we are remembering our connection to source, intuitive intelligence, emotional intelligence, and wisdom collected from lifetimes; working with your Cosmo Blueprint becomes a tool that illuminates the information stored within you.
Answering the questions of:
How can I reach fulfillment?
What is my purpose in life?
How can I step into my power?
What is my healing process?
Together, we will unravel the story of your Self, providing a depth of validation that will restore faith to your purpose in this world and current incarnation. As if we are taking a lantern into a private library in which you’ve stored your soul’s truth throughout lifetimes.
Together we will understand your unique purpose, where your soul is aching to find fulfillment within your current incarnation. Providing a clear path to alleviate suffering or separation. This may challenge you, relieve you, and excited you!
You have something unique to offer this world. As we move through your Blueprint, there are planets that act as gifts for you. Energies bestowed to you in such a unique way. There are areas of life in which you are meant to shine! Let’s make sure you own your right to be there, be seen, be heard, and take up space.
Some things in life just feel hard. Relationships, home, money, relationship to yourself, etc. There could be very real reasons for this outside of societal or economic structures. Between current life trauma/challenges and past life patterns, your healing path will be illuminated. Validating your experience and providing tangible actions to move forwad and transmute.
What have you carried over from your previous life? Within your current incarnation there is a shadow of a previous life patterns. Through this we are able to see the importance of your journey, validate fears and heart ache, and pull needed information forward. In fact, an entire vision may occur, one that will make sense of many dreams and moments in life.
✓ Your Fate Line; From Past Life to Current Soul Mission
✓ Celestial Points: Black Moon Lilith, Chiron, Nodes of Destiny
✓ Intuitive Messages; From Guides, loved ones, or clear visions of your past life.
✓ Chart Ruler and Elements | Saturn Return | Planets & Purposes
✓ Current Astrology; How are you being supported at this time, where should your focus be?
✓ How to use your Cosmo Blueprint to take advantage of current transits and cycles
✓ Insight into all major arenas of life; childhood, career, money, health, magic, connections, creativity and more.